Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Taking Action

1. Walk more: There are people that choose to walk or to use bicycle or even electric cars instead of normal vehicles. This action will help decreasing carbon hydroxide in the air and is helping people to prevent global warming.

2. People are reversing global warming with the help of the project Drawdown. The project includes ways that people can do to reverse global warming, like Refrigerant Management, Afforestation,...
Refrigerant Management
Solutions in progress: In October 2016, officials from more than 170 countries gathered in Kigali, Rwanda, to negotiate a deal to address the problem of HFCs. Despite challenging global politics, they reached a remarkable agreement. Through an amendment to the Montreal Protocol, the world will begin phasing HFCs out of use, starting with high-income countries in 2019 and then expanding to low-income countries—some in 2024, others in 2028. HFC substitutes are already on the market, including natural refrigerants such as propane and ammonia. Unlike the Paris Climate Agreement, the Kigali deal is mandatory, with specific targets and timetables.

3. Using renewable energy, reducing the usage of non-renewable energy. This will help preventing global warming: Solar energy is used today in a variety of ways. More and more people are understanding the advantages of solar energy as our solar technology increases and the cost of fossil fuels rises.  Solar energy systems today can now used to power homes, cars, appliances, businesses, and cities.
In 2009 Barack Obama signed $1.6 billion in investment tax credits for solar and other renewable energy sources.  This bill also includes the long term goal of having 25% of America’s electricity come from renewable energy sources by 2025.  The government often provides financial assistance for people or businesses who are willing to use solar power as an electric source.
Solar energy is a very common form of renewable energy used today and continues to grow in popularity.

4. Spreading the awareness. People are helping others to understand what's happening to the Earth by doing blogs, writing articles, by talking, educating other people to prevent global warming. By doing this, more and more people will help to stop global warming.

5. Plant more trees, restore the forest. This is one of the way that we can use to reverse global warming. Saving forests and planting more trees will reduce carbon dioxide levels because the trees store carbon in their roots and trunk and release more oxygen into the atmosphere. You can help to prevent global warming and reduce pollution by planting trees yourself.

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Welcome to my inquiry project. Planet Earth is in great danger and needs your help. We need to save our world, since it's already ...